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Send to Amazon API upgrade
Eva Brazle avatar
Written by Eva Brazle
Updated over 2 months ago

Amazon have upgraded the API they offer for Send to Amazon to a new version that is mandatory to use from 20 December 2024. All accounts that use the Amazon connector will be automatically migrated before that date.

Changes to save to Amazon workflow

“Do not split shipments” option is no longer supported

When saving a stock order to Amazon, you previously had the option to choose “Do not split shipments”. If enabled, this would prevent the order being created in Amazon if Amazon responded with more than one shipment.

The improved Send to Amazon experience in Seller Central means Inventory Planner can no longer immediately get the shipment splits from Amazon to keep this option. Shipments will only be created once you progress the inbound plan in Seller Central. At that point, any split ones will also sync to Inventory Planner automatically.

Prep owner and labeling owner

Previously only labeling information was sent to Amazon, as “Who labels”. The new API requires you to select both the prep owner and labeling owner. The prep owner differs to the prep category, which should be set up in Amazon Seller Central. If no prep category is set, "prep owner" will be automatically set to "No prep is required", which you can change in Amazon Seller Central.

You can also override the prep owner or labeling owner per item on the order.

Send as Amazon workflows

The purchase orders or transfer orders sent to Amazon will now appear as Send to Amazon workflows (not shipments) in Seller Central.

You can click the click on the "Amazon" label in the transfer in Inventory Planner to be taken to the workflow in Seller Central.

Expiry dates

With the new Amazon API, you’ll need to set expiry dates for perishable products within Inventory Planner. Enter the expiry date after clicking Save to Amazon, located next to the prep and label owner sections.

If your product is not perishable, you can leave the expiry date field blank.

Known issues with the new API version

If you have issues with any of these, please contact Inventory Planner Support so we can advise if this needs to be raised with Amazon.

Data missing

Amazon have advised that some data fields from the old API are not available in the new API yet. Some expected delivery and transport data may be impacted for certain workflows.

Compatibility between versions

Amazon have warned that inbound plans and shipments created on the old API may not be fully compatible with the new API version. Some data may be missing for those. This will be a temporary issue until all stock orders are originating from the new API version.

Interoperability with Send to Amazon from Seller Central

Documentation from Amazon indicates that they plan for full interoperability between the Send to Amazon flow in Seller Central and in the API. However, they have some conflicting information on exactly how the interoperability applies.

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