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Customizing stock order PDF templates
Written by Sara Jaffer
Updated over 2 months ago

PDF templates define the layout used when emailing and exporting stock orders from Inventory Planner. You can create custom templates, assign them to specific stock order types (purchase, transfer or assembly orders), or tailor them for specific vendors.

To manage your PDF templates, go to Account > Settings > Templates.

Creating a new PDF template

To create a new PDF template, click + Add template. Enter a template name into the resulting box.

Alternatively, if you already have a template set up, you can clone it to a new template by clicking the copy icon:

Removing a PDF template

To remove a template, click the delete icon beside the template name:

Once a template is removed, it is permanently deleted.

Note that you cannot remove a template if it has been set as the default template for a stock order type.

Editing a PDF template

To edit a PDF template, click the template's name. The template editor will open, where you'll find the following tabs:

  • General

  • Headings

  • Line items

  • Footer


The General tab contains options to configure broad details about your template, including some default behavior.



Template name

The name of the template, for your reference

Default subject

The default subject line for emails. You can edit the subject line when sending an email.

You can use variables to insert order-specific data into the subject:

  • [shop_name]

  • [reference]

  • [extra_reference]

  • [vendor]

  • [warehouse]

  • [status]

  • [type]


Whether the layout is portrait or landscape

Thousand separator

The separator for numbers in the thousands or above (e.g. the comma in 1,000).

Choose from:

  • Comma

  • Period

  • Space

  • Apostrophe

Decimal separator

The separator for decimal places (e.g. the period in 1.00).

Choose from:

  • Period

  • Comma

Shop name

The shop name used in exported file names and email subject lines


Your logo to be displayed on the template.

Logos must be in either PNG or JPEG format and the recommended size is 280 x 200 pixels.


Use the Headings tab to customize the top section of your PDF.

Addresses and order notes

In the Addresses and order notes section, you can customize the titles of the address and notes fields which appear in the template header.

Additional fields

You can also choose additional fields to display. They'll only appear in the PDF if populated in the order itself.

Click + Add field to choose from the following fields:

  • Reference #

  • Extra Reference #

  • Sent Date

  • Expected Date

  • Shipment Date

  • Vendor

  • Currency

  • Shipment Method

  • Payment Terms

  • Attn

  • Replenish type

  • Custom Fields

Once added, you can rearrange the order of the fields by dragging and dropping them into place.

Line items

In the Line items tab, you can customize the table that displays the order line items.


In the Columns section, click + Add field to add a column.

For each column, you can configure:

  • Column header to display on the table

  • Width (in pixels or as a percentage, e.g. "100px", "20%")

  • Font size (in pixels, e.g. "14px")

  • Text alignment (left, center or right)

  • Whether to wrap text for content longer than the width of the column

Once added, you can rearrange the order of the columns by dragging and dropping them into place.

Matrix view

In the Line items tab, you can enable matrix view to group variants in a grid by size, color, or other options.

For example, if you enable matrix view by size, a product with size variants of S, M, L and XL will appear in a single row instead of in four separate rows. Other options, such as color, will still display in separate rows.

Only use matrix view if all the variants in the group share the same cost price, discount, and tax.

Any unique values (e.g. SKU, vendor reference, barcode) can't be displayed in this format unless they're the same for all variants in the group.

Disable the "Matrix view" toggle to list each variant individually.


In the Footer tab, you can customize how the order totals are labeled.

You can also enter a custom footer to appear below the totals, which can be used to include contact details or purchase order terms. You can specify a font size in pixels and an alignment for the footer.

Default templates

In Account > Settings > Templates, beneath your list of templates, you can set default templates for each order type.

You can also assign specific templates to vendors by updating the vendor's settings. Learn more about updating vendor settings here.

Emailing and exporting stock orders

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