The minimum order quantity (MOQ) attribute specifies the lowest quantity of a certain product that a vendor is willing to sell. For example, if a vendor needs you to place an order for at least 100 units, the minimum order quantity should be set to 100.
The units of measurement (UOM) attribute specifies the case size or multiple used for ordering. For example, if a vendor only sells Product A in cases of 50, the units of measurement should be set to 50.
Note that both minimum order quantities and units of measurement must be entered as a number (not text such as 'case' or 'pallet').ย
When a variant has an MOQ or UOM set, the replenishment recommendation as shown on the Replenishment report is not affected. However, if the variant is then added to a purchase order with a quantity below the MOQ or outside UOM, Inventory Planner automatically rounds the ordered figure up to the MOQ or UOM number as appropriate.
Note: It's not possible to view the MOQ or UOM of a variant per warehouse, as a product's MOQ/UOM is not specific to a warehouse, but to a vendor.
Configuring minimum order quantities and units of measurement
Setting minimum order quantities
Configure MOQs on the vendor level by going to Catalog > Vendors. Choose which type of MOQ to apply using the "MOQ Type" column. If you don't see this column, enable it by clicking on the gear icon on the right-hand side of the screen.
The types you can choose from are:
For variants or For products: Pick one of these options to apply minimum order quantities on the variant (child) or product (parent) level. If you choose one of these options, you can enter the minimum order quantities for each variant or product under Catalog > Vendor attributes, or import a spreadsheet as part of a vendor catalog (Import > Vendor attributes).
For purchase orders: This option applies the minimum order quantity to the entire purchase order for the selected vendor. If the total quantity of all products on the purchase order is less than the value entered in the "minimum purchase quantity" field, a warning appears on the purchase order. Click "Scale to Quantity" on the warning notification to update the quantities to meet the minimum quantity.
When a minimum order quantity is specified, a product's replenishment recommendation isn't changed. However, if the product is added to a purchase order and the quantity is below the minimum order quantity, the ordered quantity is then rounded up to the minimum number.
Setting units of measurement
Setting units of measurement (UOM) allows you to specify the granularity of variants when variants are purchased in boxes or other multiples.
You can set it under Catalog > Vendor attributes or upload it as part of a vendor catalog.
When a variant with a UOM is added to a purchase order, the quantity is automatically rounded up to the next applicable number. For example, if the UOM is set to 10 and the replenishment number is 45, Inventory Planner will update the quantity to 50 (5 packs of 10 items each).
Importing minimum order quantities and units of measurement
You can import minimum order quantities and units of measurement under Replenishment > Import > Vendor attributes.
Using purchase orders to update minimum order quantities and units of measurement
You can update minimum order quantities and units of measurement directly from a purchase order.
Adjusting replenishment for vendor attributes
To see an adjusted Replenishment metric that considers vendor rules, you can add the "To Order" metric as a column using the gear icon in the top right of the Replenishment Report. Several others can also be added to see "To Order" at Cost, Gross Revenue, or Profit.