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Sending purchase orders to vendors
Monica avatar
Written by Monica
Updated over a week ago

You can email a purchase order directly from Inventory Planner, or you can download it to send from your email inbox.

Emailing from within Inventory Planner

To email a purchase order from Inventory Planner, click “Email” when viewing the saved purchase order.

From there you can choose how to format the purchase order (as a PDF or CSV file), customize the email subject line, include a message, use a message template, and attach any other documents before sending it to your vendor.

The vendor email(s) will populate based on information saved against the vendor record.

Updating the "From" email address

To update the 'from' email information, use the following format:

"Name" <email>

For example, '"Jill" <[email protected]>'.

Note that the quotation marks and arrows need to be included in the formatting.

At this time, the email cannot be customized to send from the user's email address - they will be sent from [email protected]. Formatting the 'from' information will update the 'reply to' and name showing ahead of the actual email when sending it to a vendor.

Downloading a purchase order

Download your saved purchase order by clicking “Actions” and choosing its format (PDF, CSV or HTML).

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