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Saving purchase orders to Xero
Jasper avatar
Written by Jasper
Updated over a week ago

Once you've connected Xero to your Inventory Planner account, you will be able to push purchase orders to Xero.

On entering a purchase order, you will see the option to "Save to Xero".

Line data synchronization between Inventory Planner and Xero

The table below documents what line data is synced from Inventory Planner into Xero from a stock order, and into which fields.

Inventory Planner


SKU, Product






Ordered unit cost

Unit price

Discount %

Disc %

Tax %

Tax rate

Note: When pushing the purchase order, you choose which Xero tax rate to use.

Total excluding tax

Amount (currency)

Creating products in Xero

If a stock order in Inventory Planner contains products which do not exist in Xero, you will be prompted to create the products on pushing the purchase order into Xero.

Click "Create products in Xero" to create the products.

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