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Admin-only settings

Settings Inventory Planner support can toggle on and off for your account

Written by Sara Jaffer
Updated over 4 months ago

There are a number of internal settings that Inventory Planner's support team is able to enable or disable on your account. If you would like any of these settings changed, please contact the team.


Show all variants from a corresponding connection regardless of whether there is stock in the warehouse

Enabled by default. Disable to hide variants which are not stocked in a particular warehouse.

A variant is considered to be “not stocked” if it does not and has never had stock in that warehouse.

Show variants with sales and no stock

If the above setting is disabled, you can enable this setting to display unstocked variants if they have sales.

IP tags apply to variants instead of products

Disabled by default. Enable to apply IP tags to variants instead of products.

Use landing cost price for stock cost

Disabled by default. Enable to use the landing cost as the stock cost. Doing so will affect the stock cost in the Overview, Replenishment, Inventory KPIs, Aging analysis, Stock history and Good received note reports.

Landing cost price is in the account currency

Disabled by default, so landing cost is determined by the vendor's currency. Enable to use the account currency for landing costs.

Use current landing cost price/cost price for cost of sales instead of landing cost price/cost price history

Disabled by default. Enable to calculate cost of sales based on the current landing cost or cost price instead of the landing cost or cost price the variant was received in at.

Set separator to filter for multiple items at once

Set what symbol to use to separate multiple search terms. The default separator is a comma (',').

Initial tab for Replenishment

Set the default view for Replenishment, from:

  • Variants

  • Assemblies

  • Products

  • Vendors

  • Brands

  • Categories

  • Tags

  • IP tags

  • Option sets

  • Options

  • Collections

  • Total

Variants is selected by default.

Aggregate limit (for tags, vendors, categories, etc.)

3000 by default. Limits the number of unique tags, vendors and categories which are synced from your connection. Any tags, vendors and categories in excess of this number are ignored.

Aggregate product SKU limit

250 by default. Limits the number of variant SKUs visible in the "SKU" column when viewing reports by product. This setting also affects the SKU column in exports.

Check record version to prevent concurrent edits

Enable this option to prevent multiple people from editing the same purchase order at once. When enabled, if one person saves their changes to a purchase order, the other users editing it will need to reload the purchase order to view the new changes before they can make their own.


Nightly sync time

Choose what time to run your nightly sync. By default, the sync runs at 2AM in your time zone.


Use variant first order date instead of created date

Enabled by default. Disable this option to calculate the sales velocity based on the variant's created date rather than the date of its first order.

Using the created date is beneficial when forecasting for products that have a long period of no sales after being launched, as it provides a more conservative forecast and therefore prevents overstocking.

However this setting is applied across all products, so it's only appropriate to disable it if you expect most of your new products to behave in this way.

Short sales history for the forecast (in days)

For products with a minimal sales history, sales velocity is calculated as total sales divided by 30 days until the product has been in stock for a certain number of days. After that point, the sales velocity is calculated as total sales divided by the number of days on sale with available stock.

Set the number of days Inventory Planner should wait until changing the calculation here. Fast-moving products should have a shorter number of days.

Short sales history for the forecast (in units)

For products with a minimal sales history, sales velocity is calculated as total sales divided by 30 days until the product has been in stock for a certain number of days. After that point, the sales velocity is calculated as total sales divided by the number of days on sale with available stock.

If your products are slow-moving, you can use this setting to change the calculation only after a certain number of units have sold.

Days of sales history to ignore (from first order or first created date)

Set a window after the "start date" (first order date or created date) that Inventory Planner should ignore when calculating the forecast.

Mark new variants non-replenishable

Enable to set all new variants as non-replenishable by default.

Compute the replenishment based on stockouts during DOS (instead of closing stock)

Enable this option to count stockouts within the days of stock period instead of forecasted closing stock levels. These stockouts will then be counted when making replenishment plans.

Any stockouts that occur during the "Closing stock" line will be visible.

Using this method may result in greater inventory replenishment numbers, but it allows you to plan orders which may arrive sooner than the last order placed, helping avoid stockouts during the days of stock in cases where the expected dates don’t match up with the lead times.

Always compute the replenish date even when the replenishment is 0

Enable to ask Inventory Planner to calculate replenish dates for items which do not require replenishment.

Forecast precision for Edit Forecast page (decimal digits)

Set to 1 by default.

Choose how many decimal places to display on the Edit Forecast report. Note that the export for this page will always only have one decimal place, regardless of this setting.

Replenishment period months

Set to 18 by default.

Choose the number of future months to be included when calculating replenishment.

Aggregate forecast/replenishment into options

Enable to add a view for "Options" and "Option sets" into the Replenishment report.


Cost price precision (decimal digits)

Set to 2 by default.

Choose how many decimal places to use for your cost prices.

Stock precision (decimal digits)

Set to 0 by default.

Choose how many decimal places to use for your stock units.

Revenue precision (decimal digits)

Set to 2 by default.

Choose how many decimal places to use for your revenue.

Min budget precision (decimal digits)

Set to 3 by default.

Choose how many decimal places to use for your budget.

Compute the stock cover based on stock and sales velocity

By default the stock cover is computed using the current stock and the forecast number of sales.

Enabling this option ignores forecast sales and uses sales velocity instead.

For example, November and December are affected by seasonal increases, making their forecast sales higher, and thus reducing the calculated stock cover. With this setting enabled, the forecast sales are ignored and the normal sales velocity is used instead, thus increasing the calculated stock cover.

Enabling this setting is not recommended if you want your stock cover to include factors such as seasonal increases.

Compute 'Aging Analysis' report

Enabled by default.

The Aging Analysis report can be disabled if you are experiencing sync delays.


Allow setting vendor at the variant level

By default, it is only possible to set vendors at the product level. Enabling this option allows you to assign vendors for specific variants.


Show costs in assembly orders

Enable this option to see unit prices in assembly orders. "Ordered units cost", "Received units cost" and "Remaining units cost" are also displayed.

Manage bundles in Inventory Planner

The setting may be enabled or disabled by default, depending on the platforms linked to Inventory Planner. If disabled, bundles are synced between Inventory Planner and the connected platform.

Manage assemblies in Inventory Planner

The setting may be enabled or disabled by default, depending on the platforms linked to Inventory Planner. If disabled, assemblies are synced between Inventory Planner and the connected platform.

Manage bundles vs assembly type in Inventory Planner

The setting may be enabled or disabled by default, depending on the platforms linked to Inventory Planner. If disabled, the bundle or assembly type is synced between Inventory Planner and the connected platform.

Bundle component quantity precision (decimal places)

Set to 3 by default.

Choose how many decimal places to use for your bundle component quantities.

Purchase orders

Allow enabled warehouses only as source/destination warehouse

Enable to prevent disabled warehouses from being used as a source or destination warehouse on a stock order.

Subtract transfer sent stock from source warehouse immediately on creation

Disabling this option means transferring inventory results in a transfer out quantity being recorded regardless of whether the source is an IP warehouse or a regular warehouse.

Enabling it means transfer out quantities are not recorded.

  • For IP warehouses: Transferred units are subtracted immediately once the transfer is created.

  • For regular warehouses: No action is taken as it's assumed the user will have made the adjustment on their platform, or that syncing the transfer order caused the stock level to drop.

Stock update: Editable stock

Enable to allow users to change and edit stock received on purchase orders linked to IP warehouses.

PO reference # format

Template for the PO reference, where %d is replaced with the purchase order number.

For example, if the format is set to PO#%d, the PO reference progression will be PO#1, PO#2, PO#3 and so on.

PO PDF header font size

14px by default.

PO PDF items font size

24px by default.

Include only visible fields to PO CSV export

Enabled by default, and applies when exporting from an opened PO or a PO CSV file attached to an email.

Disable to include all fields on exports.

Compare PO references as numbers

Enable to change the behavior when sorting stock orders by reference.

Suggest combine quantities for variants with duplicated barcodes

Enabled by default. Disable to remove prompts to combine the quantities of variants which share a barcode, resulting in separate lines for each item.

Suggest combine quantities for variants with duplicated vendor references

Enabled by default. Disable to remove prompts to combine the quantities of variants which share a vendor reference, resulting in separate lines for each item.

Show the barcode text under Code 128 barcode image

Enable to display the barcode string beneath the image.

CBM precision for POs and reports

Set to 10 by default.

Choose how many decimal places to use for your CBM figures.

Separate transfer sent quantity from ordered/received

Enable to view a separate column for the “transfer sent” quantity. The “sent” column can be used alongside the “transfer out” quantities to provide more context on your transferred units as they leave the source warehouse and are removed from the number of “available” units.

  • For IP warehouses: Sent units are subtracted from "stock".

  • For regular warehouses: Only the "transfer out" units are reduced as it's assumed you will have made the adjustment on their platform.

The sent quantity is also automatically updated when a transfer is received for non-FBA destination warehouses.

This setting is ignored if “Subtract transfer sent stock from source warehouse immediately on creation” is enabled.

Consider taxes on the PO with landing cost price calculation

Enable to include taxes when calculating landing cost prices on purchase orders.

Weight precision (decimal digits)

Set to 3 by default.

Choose how many decimal places to use for your weights.

In stock and on order in PO CSV

Disabled by default. If enabled, both the "in stock" and "on order" fields will be added to the purchase order CSV export.

Note that these values can appear incorrect on purchase orders as they're only updated when the purchase order is edited and saved.

Warn if receiving more than what was ordered on the order

Enabled by default. Disable if you do not want to receive warnings when over-receiving.

Use variant title instead of vendor product name as line item title

Enabled by default. Disable to display the vendor's product name for the title on your purchase orders.

Include tax in PO PDF

Enable to include tax in your purchase order PDFs.

Exclude TO from received metrics

Disabled by default. Enable to exclude transfer orders from your received metrics.

Sales orders

Do not use the stock date for the first sold date

If sales are made for products which are not in stock, some reports (such as the Year on Year report) use the date the products are due to be back in stock as the sales date instead. Enable this option to force Inventory Planner to use the sales date in all cases.

Listing auto-combining rules

Auto-combining enabled

Enabled by default. Disable to stop automatic combining of listings.

Match listings based on all fields

Enable to widen what fields are cross-referenced when matching.

For example, if you are combining listings based on SKU and barcode, with this setting enabled listings would be combined if one listing's SKU matched another's barcode.

New connections: enable combining listings across the same connection

Enable to enable the “Combining listings from the same connection” setting by default for new connections.

If disabled, new connections will not have combined listings enabled by default.

Primary connection

Listings from the primary connection are used to populate variant fields that display in Inventory Planner (e.g. barcode, SKU, category).

If no primary connection is selected, the first connection made to Inventory Planner is used.

Combine by

Choose any from:

  • SKU

  • Barcode

  • ASIN


  • Title

Connections settings

For each connection, enable:

  • Combining listings across the same connection

    • If enabled, Share stock for linked listings

Channel-specific settings

Disable connection

Disable a specific connection. The sync will stop running without displaying any errors in the sync menu. Use this when the connection is no longer active, but you need to keep the data.

Enable PO reference save

Disable this setting to use the connected system's reference number instead of using Inventory Planner's generated reference.

For example, say a purchase order in Inventory Planner has a reference of #1, but when pushed into the connected system, the connected system assigns it a reference number of #10001. With this setting disabled, Inventory Planner will use the reference of #10001.

Sales sync

Disable to stop syncing sales from this channel.

Sales order start

Choose the date to sync sales orders from. Sales orders before this date will be ignored.

Sales order selection

Choose which sales and returns orders statuses to include and exclude for forecasting and KPI reporting. Cancelled orders are always excluded.

  • Default: Excludes draft, quote, training, test and on hold orders

  • Status include list

  • Status exclude list

Amazon settings

Use listing price instead of competitive price for profit metrics

The default profit calculation for Amazon is competitive price less landed cost. Enable this setting to use the listing price instead of the competitive price for profit calculations — for example if your Amazon listings don’t have a competitive price.

Include orders with fulfillment-channel Non-Amazon and item-status Unshipped (usually removal orders)

Disabled by default. Enable this setting to include orders that have both a fulfillment channel of "non-amazon" and an item status of "unshipped". These orders are usually removal orders.

Shopify settings

Sync collections

Disable to stop syncing collections.

Sync draft orders

Enable to sync draft Shopify orders. With this setting enabled, sales reports in Inventory Planner may not match reports in Shopify.

Remove archived products

Enable to stop syncing products which are archived in Shopify.

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