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Odoo integration

Learn how to connect your Odoo account to Inventory Planner

Monica avatar
Written by Monica
Updated over 2 months ago

Your Odoo account will need the Sales, Inventory and Purchase modules in order for the Inventory Planner integration to work properly.

Connecting your Odoo account to Inventory Planner

To set up an Inventory Planner account, follow the signup procedure.

After signing up, you'll select a platform from where your product and order history can be synced in order to populate Inventory Planner. Here you'll select Odoo.

Configuring Odoo API access

To connect your Odoo and Inventory Planner accounts, you will need the following information:

  1. Your Odoo URL: this will be in the following format:

  2. Your Odoo database name: found by going to, clicking your account name in the upper right corner and clicking My Databases.

  3. An Odoo Username

  4. The Odoo User Password

When logged into Inventory Planner, enter this information on the Connection page. 

Click "Connect" to start your first sync.​

Workflow overview

Inventory Planner's demand forecasting will be used to produce purchase orders. Once saved, those purchase orders will sync to Odoo. After the sync, you will process those purchase orders in Odoo, including receiving, editing, or cancelling the purchase orders.

Product information, sales history, vendor information, and previously created purchase orders will all sync from Odoo to Inventory Planner on the first sync, then will be updated automatically every 24 hours.

Updating Odoo

Updating Odoo to the latest version shouldn’t create any issues with Inventory Planner.

Any errors that occur after the first sync after updating are likely due to Inventory Planner updating its sync fields, and should not persist.

However, if you have updated and have any concerns, please contact the support team for the latest information on any conflicts between the integrations.

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