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Marketing Overview in Retail Analytics
Marketing Overview in Retail Analytics
Written by Sara Jaffer
Updated over a week ago

The Marketing Overview reveals KPIs relating to your organization's marketing activity. It shows marketing performance and its impact on the commercial success of the business.

The dashboard enables marketers to make allocation and optimization decisions based on standard marketing KPIs such as sessions and CTR as well as more powerful KPIs like CAC and gross margin. Using these KPIs ensures marketing decisions are aligned with business objectives.

KPI summary

The KPI summary at the top of the Marketing Homepage shows a condensed view of key performance indicators.

The large figures show the values for the "primary range" selected in the date filter, with the smaller figures showing the value for the "compare against" period. The percent change between the two date ranges is also displayed.

  • Gross Revenue

    The source of truth of revenue is taken from Shopify. This is gross revenue and includes products, services and shipping.

  • Gross Profit Margin %

    This is calculated as gross revenue less cost of goods sold, divided by gross revenue.

  • Ad Spend

    The ad spend is taken from Google Ads and Facebook.

  • Click through Rate (CTR)

    The CTR is calculated as the number of clicks an ad receives divided by the number of times it is shown. This data is taken from Google Ads and Facebook.

  • Sessions

    Website sessions as tracked by Google Analytics.

  • Conversion rate

    The percentage of website visitors that place an order, as tracked by Google Analytics.

  • Return On Ad Spend (ROAS)

    The amount of revenue earned for each dollar spent.

  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

    The average marketing cost of acquiring a new customer.


Each of these KPIs can be viewed in a chart underneath the summary.

The chart shows how the metric changes over time, with the green line showing the primary range and the black line showing the comparison.

Clicking the KPI dropdown at the top right of the chart allows you to switch to a different KPI.

KPI deepdive

View two charts side-by-side, choosing which KPI is displayed in each, how that data is split and the type of chart to use, providing a large degree of flexibility in choosing which data to display and how to display it.

  • KPI: Choose from any of the marketing KPIs.

  • Split: Segment the data by marketing channel type, group or individual channels, by country or by store (i.e. sales channel). If choosing one of the more granular views, it may be useful to apply a filter to the dashboard too, e.g. split by channel and filter by channel group.

  • Chart type: View as a bar chart showing totals for the primary range (in blue) and compare against period (in orange), or a line graph showing change over time for the chosen period.

Examples of useful comparisons

View one KPI in different chart types. For example, it may be insightful to view total revenue by channel on the left and revenue by channel over time on the right, i.e. showing fluctuations over the same period.

Alternatively, view two different KPIs for the same period and in the same chart type. This allows you to examine how one KPI relates to another, such as ad spend compared to sessions.

Table breakdown

At the bottom of the dashboard, a table breakdown shows each KPI with an option to split by:

  • Channel Type: Paid vs. non-paid marketing channels.

  • Channel Group: A more granular view, split by marketing channel categories.

  • Channel: Specific marketing channels. As this is a long list, it's sometimes helpful to apply a filter to the dashboard to restrict this to a particular channel type or group.

  • Store: The sales channel. Note that marketing metrics can only be determined for eCommerce stores

  • Country: For order-related metrics, data is split based on the order's shipping address. For traffic-related metrics, it is split by the country captured by Google Analytics.

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