Configuring bundles
Written by Sara Jaffer
Updated over a week ago

Before configuring bundles

Inventory Planner does not manage the stock levels of bundles and components based on customer orders.

If a customer purchases a five-pack t-shirt bundle, an external solution is needed to decrease the stock level for the single t-shirt, such as an inventory management system or a third-party application for your ecommerce store or marketplace.

Inventory management systems: With an IMS which supports bundles or assemblies, Inventory Planner may pull bundle-variant or assembly-variant relationships automatically. For some systems, the type of variant (bundle or assembly) can also be detected. For a full list of inventory management system integrations, as well as the attributes Inventory Planner pulls from each one, visit our Integrations Page.

eCommerce Stores (e.g. Shopify, BigCommerce, and others that don't support Bundles natively) require a two-part solution:

  1. Connect an application from your marketplace specifically to configure bundles and components and to adjust their stock levels based on customer sales.
    (Note: Shopify customers can use the Bundles App by Gazebo for this purpose, then add the application to Inventory Planner as a free connection to automatically sync bundle-component relationships.)

  2. Define bundle-component relationships in Inventory Planner for accurate forecasting and replenishment analysis using either of the methods below (or through a CSV import).

Configuring bundles in Inventory Planner

Method 1: Using the catalog

Configure new bundles by going to Catalog > Bundles and clicking the button to "Convert variant to bundle" in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen:

A modal window will open. In this window, select an existing variant to convert into a new bundle, then click “Apply”.

You’ll be taken back to the catalog, where you should see your new bundle. Click the “+” sign on the right-hand side of the screen, next to the new bundle:

Choose whether to add an existing component variant, or create a new IP variant:

If using existing variants, select the variants, then click “Apply,” then “Save changes”.

If creating a new IP variant, fill out the form, then click "Create and add to bundle".

Once the components have been added to the bundle, you'll be able to view the bundle in the catalog.

You can then define the quantities of the component variants and save your changes to configure the bundle-component relationship.

Method 2: Replenishment > Details

You can also configure new bundles in Replenishment by selecting the Details icon next to any variant. If the button isn’t displayed, select the gear icon in the top right corner to add the Details column.

Click into the “Bundles and production” tab, then add in components with their respective quantities.

You can either select a variant that already exists using “+ Existing Variant,” or create a new IP Variant using the “+ New IP Variant” option. Specify the component quantity per bundle, then select Save at the bottom left of the screen. Note: An IP Variant only exists in Inventory Planner. Learn more about creating IP Variants here.

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