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Variants and vendor attributes

Managing vendor catalog attributes (e.g. cost prices, units of measurement, minimum order quantities).

Written by Sara Jaffer
Updated over 4 months ago

Vendor attributes are information associated with a variant that relate to a specific vendor - for example, the cost price of that variant if bought from the vendor.

Setting or updating vendor attributes

Your vendor catalogs can be updated by:

  • Editing vendors and variant-vendor attributes directly in Catalog

  • Resetting attributes that were edited manually, thereby reverting to the synced data from your connected platform

  • Creating or editing purchase orders, using the option to update cost prices, vendor references and other vendor data for variants for use on subsequent purchase orders

  • Importing a vendor catalog for single vendors, or multiple vendors

Learn more about each method below.

Updating vendor attributes in the catalog

You can manage vendor attributes for variants by going to Catalog > Vendor attributes.

Here, you can associate variants with vendors, manage cost prices, and apply vendor rules (e.g. minimum order quantities, units of measurement) to variants.

The vendor attributes which can be set or updated are:




The vendor associated with the product.

A product can be associated with multiple vendors.

Vendor reference

The identifier the vendor uses to refer to the product (e.g. their own SKU)

Vendor product name

The name the vendor uses to refer to the product

Landing cost price

The landing cost price of the product when bought from the vendor

MOQ (minimum order quantity)

The minimum quantity that can be purchased from the vendor at once

UOM (unit of measurement)

The quantity the product is sold in by the vendor (e.g. in packs of 5)

Tier prices

Any discount applied if the product is bought in bulk from the vendor

Click "Save changes" to finish updating vendor attributes.

Note: You can also 'Set Vendor' from the Replenishment screen by selecting items > Bulk Actions > Set Vendor. Learn more about associating variants with vendors.

Resetting manually edited attributes

Editing attributes directly in the Catalog overrides the synced attributes information from your platform (if applicable). You can easily filter the changed attributes in order to reset the synced data.

For example, if the cost price was manually edited, you can add a filter for "Cost Price Assigned in IP" to see items that have been manually updated in the Vendor Attributes catalog. Any manually updated cost prices will be marked with "Assigned in Inventory Planner" under the Vendor column.

To reset the data, you can click the cost price displayed under each cost price field (indicated below).

Alternatively, select the affected variants then click Bulk actions > Clear attributes assigned in Inventory Planner to reset manually edited data and restore values from your synced platform.

Updating variant attributes using purchase orders

When you create purchase orders, Inventory Planner pulls uses your vendor associations and variant attributes from the catalog to populate the fields on the purchase order.

However, attributes such as cost prices, minimum order quantities and units of measurement can be overridden directly in the purchase order.

If you have edited those attributes, you can then push the updated cost prices back to the catalog to be used for subsequent purchase orders. To do so, make sure you've selected the "Update vendor information for line item variants" option at the bottom of the page before saving the purchase order.

Note: Updating attributes in this manner overrides the synced data from your connected platform.

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