If you have data outside of Inventory Planner which needs to be entered into the system, you can import a CSV file containing the information to upload it in bulk. This article will walk you through the import process.
Click "Account" on the bottom left-hand side of any page, then click "Import".
If you've imported data previously, you'll be shown a list of the imports you've done, along with their details. You can customize the report to include:
The file name
The type of import
The import status
The number of lines in the imported file
The number of changes made
The number of errors thrown
The time and date the import was done
The user who performed the import
A list of the columns in the import
To create a new import, click "+ New Import" at the bottom left-hand side of the page:
Choose which kind of information you're importing, from:
Import type | Description |
Variant settings | Variant properties including lead time, days of stock, assembly time, replenishable status, min/max stock levels, IP tags and weight. |
Vendors | Vendor settings including emails, currencies, vendor addresses, default lead times and days of stock. |
Variants/vendor attributes | Information about variants related to vendors, such as assigned vendors, cost prices, MOQs, UOMs, vendor references and vendor product names.
Stock orders | Create purchase orders, transfer orders or assembly orders.
Stock orders received | Update existing purchase orders, transfer orders or assembly orders. |
Stockouts | Information about past stockouts if a sales history is not available through your connected platform.
Stock history | Past stock information per variant SKU, used for importing historical data to feed replenishment recommendations and the sales forecast.
Forecast override | Forecast overrides for individual SKUs over different periods. |
Bundles/assemblies | Bundles, assemblies and their components.
Link listings | Link listings to a single variant by setting a master SKU. |
Combine sales/stock | Merge variant sales and stock information to help forecasting for new variants. |
Sales orders | Past sales orders to complement the history synced from connected platforms. |
Once you've chosen what kind of import you're performing, click "Upload file" on the bottom left-hand side.
You'll be taken to a page summarizing the fields that can be included in your file, as well as providing a space to upload your file. You can also download a template CSV to fill in, containing all relevant columns.
Once you've created your CSV file, upload it to Inventory Planner and click "Map columns".
You'll be taken to a page where you can map the columns in your file to their relevant Inventory Planner field.
Once you've mapped all your columns, click "Import".
Inventory Planner will process the file. Once the file is processed, you will be presented with a summary of the changes made and a list of any errors that were triggered.
Note: You can import files as large as 100 MB, but larger files might take longer to upload.